Wednesday, December 17, 2008

So my Cousin's wife (Cousin-in-law?) linked to me on this, so I guess I'll give it a shot.  Better late than never.  And seeing how I don't know any other bloggers that haven't already been linked, I guess I'll just make my happy list, but if you feel so inspired please make you own happy list and put it on your own blog or in the comments below.

The rules: List six things that make you happy. Pass the award along to six more bloggers.  Do not give the typical answers and go for the less obvious, as you all know that family, friends, God, etc would be on the list :) 

1. A good book
2. A good puzzle
3. Finishing a project
4. Doing something techy (computer stuff, sound board at church, etc.)
5. A good backrub
6. Playing games

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