Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Quoting Easter Stories

Ben was really enjoying the Easter stories we read to him this year out of various books, so we read them to him a lot. Not suprisingly, this led to him quoting them in random places.

A couple of weeks ago, he was playing with his toy boats in the bathtub, when I hear him talking about Mary's encounter with Jesus in the garden after she found the empty tomb. Then without skipping a beat he said, "This boat has a big motor! VROOOM!"

Then, just a couple of nights ago, he was reading his Noah's Ark bath book in the bathtub. We was relating the part where Noah builds an ark out of wood. Then he says to whoever he was reading the story to in the first place (I didn't ask), and says, "Jesus died on a cross made of wood, for the forgiveness of our sins."

I love that he's just taken this story in as part of his general knowledge. It's so exciting to see him grasping bits and pieces of these things and be reminded of the stories by other things. This is one of the joys of being a parent that makes all the frustrations and heartache worthwhile. I love being a Dad.

I Love You Too Much...

Recently we've been struggling with argument where there's no real why to explain to Ben that he's mistaken. For example, the other night I was feeding Kyle some squash and Ben was convinced it was potatoes.

After going back and forth a couple of times with Mindy, she effectively ended the argument by saying: "Ben, I love you too much to argue."

Essentially, it's not worth the argument to change your mind, so you can think they are potatoes all you want.

A couple weeks later, Ben was coming out of his room during quiet time and Mindy asked him to go back into his room and close the door.
Ben responded, "Mom, I love you too much to argue."

Needless to say Mindy was speechless