Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Ben

6 years ago today we welcomed Benjamin Wayne Isom into our lives.  And oh how they've changed!

What we couldn't have known then:
-That Ben would be such an awesome big brother
-That despite being a reluctant nurser, he'd turn into the boy that eats enough to earn dessert, finishes dessert and then asks for more of the main dish (especially if it's pizza)
-That he would love eating sardines with me even though no one else in the house will touch them
-That he would love to draw so much.  And often as a gift for someone

And now he's grown into such a little man.  Lots of big ideas an boundless energy and enthusiasm.  I can't wait to see what the next few years will bring.

1 comment:

steve and corrine said...

We remember the day he was born and it was an exciting day. He really looks grown up in that picture and we are so proud of him as he grows into a young man. He is a gem and definitely a "keeper" - the big brother thing, nurturing both little bro's and that creative mind. To top it all off he even loves to eat oysters - WOW!