Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Next Evening

It's amazing the difference a day makes. On Thursday the 23rd, I was so furious with my boys, I could spit nails as they say (See post Pushing Buttons.) They had just been pushing my buttons left and right.

But that didn't change the fact that I loved them. I didn't change the fun I have with them and it certainly didn't ruin the fun time we all had being silly and enjoying one another's company at Burgerville the next night.

So please pardon me if I wax philosophical again, but don't you think this is another parallel with how God sees us? We can push his buttons left and right, but it doesn't change the fact that he wants to be near us. Wants to spend time with us. Wants to hear from us every once in awhile. So don't forget that. No matter where you stand with God, he desires a relationship with you.

Are you drifting away? He'd love to hear from you!
Have you pushed him out of your life? He's waiting and watching hopefully for your return!
Have you never met him? He'd love to get to know you!
Have you just been too busy to give him any of your time? There's no time like now to tell him what's going on in your life!

It's so amazing that the Creator of the universe want to know us. Don't let that opportunity slip away


Mindy said...

Good reminder about how our heavenly Father longs for intimacy with us. Thank you!

steve and corrine said...

A good reminder of God's grace that we enjoy and need to imitate in our own lives and relationships. Thanks for sharing again with such transparency this important insight. Dad Isom