Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Simple Pleasures

There's nothing like your kids to remind you of the simple pleasures of life.  Saturday, Ben was making a paper airplane and I offered to help.  

As these things do, it turned into more and Kyle, Ben and I ended up out front throwing paper airplanes around.  We probably spent 30 minutes or more just throwing them as hard as we could trying to make them go across the street or get stuck in trees.  Then I had a great idea.  I ran upstairs with both paper airplanes and through them to the boys from our bedroom window.

But the excitement really started when they wanted to do it too.  Ben managed to clear the roof with his, but Kyle's didn't quite make it, so Daddy got to make a trip onto the roof!  Very exciting for the boys, especially when I acted like I fell backwards back into the window of our room when I was going back in.

So who needs a $300 video game system, or motorized/battery operated toys when 2 pieces of paper can keep you busy for a good hour.

What simple pleasure have you enjoyed in your life lately?


Mindy said...

A newly cleaned house...
The quiet of naptime...
Kyle's laugh when I tickle him...
Kissing Owen's sweet neck...
Relaxing with you while hang out on date night...

steve and corrine said...

I just got this great mental video of that whole scenario and all the running into the house and up the stairs to throw the planes. Those simple pleasures shared with family are the greatest.

Here's to you and the boys!!!