Sunday, November 30, 2008

Like Butta'

Well, today I made butter for the first time. It was pretty cool. We skimmed the cream off of the raw milk we get from the farm and using this old Dazey Butter Churn

I cranked and cranked until I got butter.

Haven't used it yet, but it sure smelled good and felt just like regular butter only smoother. Just another adventure in our family's foray into more natural and healthy food choices.
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1 comment:

steve and corrine said...

Yup, that looks like butta! Reminds me of the good old days when I was churning butter in the old white house on MCC's campus while I watched the Royals play baseball on that old black and white TV. It used to take quite a few innings to get it done, but then you finally got butta.