Tuesday, November 18, 2008


The weekend before last the boys were getting dressed up stairs after breakfast and I was getting some stuff done downstairs. Ben came down dressed, but Kyle was still buck naked. Since Kyle still doesn't like to be upstairs by himself, so I asked Ben if he'd go back up with him for a couple minutes while Kyle got dressed.

Well, a few minutes later Ben came back down and Kyle still wasn't dressed. As I was finishing paying the bills, I heard Ben and Kyle conversing about making things "Gooey."

Yup, you guessed it. Toothpaste. I asked them what they were talking about, dreading what it might be and toothpaste was not the best answer, but it was better than it could have been.

So, I got them busy cleaning up their mess. They had "painted" the following:
* Bathroom door
* Both sides of the door handle in the bathroom
* Bathroom sink and counter
* Steps on Ladder to Ben's bunk
* Window sill
* Edge of Bookcase
* And they'd even managed to get a little on the railing and wall going down the stairs.

Needless to say, they haven't been using toothpaste for a few days.
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1 comment:

steve and corrine said...

Boys will be boys, just be glad it was toothpaste!