Friday, October 24, 2008

Pushing Buttons

The answer to this question may be obvious, but I'll ask anyway.  Do your kids ever push your buttons?

Oy.  How is it that they seem to know how to do it and sometimes, without even meaning to, they can send you through the roof in a nansecond.

Ben has this new habit of saying "I know, I know!" when we ask him a second time to do something, but continues to do something else.  It just makes me want to scream "If you know you're supposed to be clearing your place from dinner, why are you walking into the living room!"

And Kyle now says, "Daddy, I was on the top of the couch pwaying with mama's decowations too.  I'm sawy."  And very contritely I might add.  But does that mean he won't do it again?  Not necessarily.

It's enough to drive me batty!  But as I thought about it this morning, I wonder how much we push God's buttons.  "Yes God, I know you want me to share my faith," as we let another opportunity slip past.   "I'm sorry God that I entertained those impure thoughts today," knowing full well that it will happen again.  

I'm sure it probably drives God batty too, but I'm eternally grateful that He is so much more capable of handling it than I am.  The grace and discipline of my Heavenly Father is incredible.  He may be saddened by my choices, but he forgives completely.  And if we're walking with Him, He's faithful to teach us a better way.  

Lord, I pray that you would give me some small measure of your grace and wisdom in dealing with my boys and I thank you for your grace that covers me and the ways that you've been working in my life.

So how do you push God's buttons?  And are you open to his discipline to stop?

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Great post! Thanks for putting such a convicting spin on such a frustrating tendency.