Friday, October 17, 2008

I've been Tagged

Well, I guess if Mindy's doing it, I better.  But I don't quite read as many blogs as Mindy, so I won't be tagging nearly as many people.  But that's a decision for later.  First I've got to pare down the quirky things about me.

1) I don't instinctively know which is left and which is right.  I have to think about it for a second. (wedding ring = left, class ring = right)

2) I put vinegar on my macaroni and cheese.

3) I love pickled pigs feet.  Although I don't get to have them very often.

4) I enjoy reading math textbooks for fun.

5) When my job starts to involve more documentation and less actual coding, (I'm a computer programmer) I find silly little programming projects to work on in my spare time for fun.

6) I racewalk.

7) When I roll over in bed I always roll toward the edge of the bed.  Mindy thinks it's hilarious, but if I roll that way, the covers don't get bunched up between us.  (I also sometimes end up stealing covers that way too, but it's purely unintentional!)

Andy -

Cory and Cory -

And that's all I got that haven't been tagged yet.  It was nice of Mindy not to tag my cousins so I got to do it.  Thanks, honey!  :*

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Woo hoo! See, you are quirky.