Monday, June 05, 2006

"So Someone's Looking for our Green Blankets?"

This past weekend, we went to the beach with my parents and younger brother. The boys had a blast with their grandparents and we got a couple evenings to ourselves. We got to fly kites and play on the beach and swim in the hotel pool... It was a great time.

Sadly, we managed to leave Ben's green blanket in one of the hotel rooms. And this isn't just any green blanket, it's his special lovie. We realized this about 6:30 last night and did some frantic looking and called the hotel to see if they could find it. Ben hadn't brought it up yet, so we were going to wait until he brought it up and then explain what happened.

Of course at bedtime it was requested, so I sat him down on his bed and told him what happened. He was pretty sad at first, so I told him about when I was a little boy and I lost my special blanket and that I remember being really sad too. Then I told him that some people at the hotel were going to look, but I didn't know if they'd be able to find it. He thought about that for a couple seconds and then said,

"So someone's looking for our green blankets?"

"Yes, Ben. Someone is looking for your green blanket," I said.

"And yours too, Daddy."

It was so sweet that he wanted to make sure someone was looking for my "green blanket" too.

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