Saturday, July 08, 2006

I Want to Take Them Off

As with every Fourth of July, there was a family reunion in Sisters again this year for the Isom family. My Grandparents, all my Aunts and Uncles and whoever else can make it that's related somehow. It's always a great time and this year was no exception.

One of the highlights of the trip is always swimming. Ben was very much into the swimming this year and we went to the pool no less than 4 times in the four full days that we were there. On Monday, we were having a lot of fun in the big pool. He had found some goggles and was wearing those and I was throwing him up in the air and letting him splash down in front of me.

Lots of fun, but I had to wonder what the makers of little boys swimsuits were thinking when they didn't put drawstrings in them. Little boys have no hips, so needles to say, Ben was having trouble keeping his up and he started to think it was pretty funny. After another throw that left him with his trunks just about off, he stopped me from throwing him again and said: "Daddy, I want to take them off"

"Ok," I said, thinking that he meant the goggles and heading for the side of the pool to let him put them down.

As we started over there, he elaborated and said, "I want to take them off and get both my butts wet!"

Needless to say, we didn't go to the edge of the pool and I had to explain through my laughter, that taking his swimsuit off in the pool wasn't an option.

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