Tuesday, January 17, 2006

More Language Fun with Ben

Ben is continuing to learn all the intricacies of the English language and it's so much fun to listen to the stages he goes through. For example the other day, he was having Ritz crackers at lunch. Near the end of lunch we were talking about when he was going to get up from the table.

"You should eat some more of your Ritz," I said.

After devouring all but one, Ben turns to me and says, "I have one more Rit to eat and then I can get up."

"What was that?" I asked to confirm my suspicion. It sounded like he had dropped the z (s sound) from the end to make it singular. Too funny.

"I have one more Rit cracker," he said proudly.

In an effort to not crack up laughing and also to model the appropriate way to say it, I said, "Yes, you do have one more Ritz cracker."

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