Thursday, January 05, 2006

Is it morning yet?

Ben really doesn't want to go to sleep when it's bed time so he usually spends a fair bit of time playing in his room before crashing. This is a battle we chose not to fight because unless we do surveillance, we can't really enforce that he should be in bed. He gets the sleep he needs, so we don't sweat it.

The problems started when he could start coming out of his room on his own. Like any toddler, he's very curious, so when he hears stuff going on, he wants to know what it is. He also really wants to join us sometimes, depending on what we're doing.

Well, last night, we heard a new one. We were downstairs watching the end of the football game and we hear from the top of the stair a plaintive cry of, "Is it morning yet?"

It's so much fun to see him figure things out. For awhile we've been having questions about when bedtime is over, or when nighttime is over. The answer has usually had something to do with morning, so now he has come up with a new question.

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