Thursday, September 15, 2005

Quoting Dr. Seuss and Veggie Tales

It all started last December when Ben couldn't get enough of us reading "The Night Before Christmas." He really seemed to enjoy the rhythm and the pictures in our edition gave his nearly two year old mind, lots of things to point at and name. Not long after this started, we began to hear phrases coming out of Ben's mouth at random times that he was quite sure of, but we didn't really understand them. And they weren't just random, because he would repeat them verbatim when asked what he said. A couple days after this started, we finally got one of the phrases nailed down. It was "And to all a Good Night!" Soon we understood "Eight tiny reindeer" and many other phrases out of that poem.

For Christmas or his birthday that year, Ben got a stack of Dr. Seuss books from his Uncle Jamie and Aunt Trish. Little did we know... Soon he was asking for The Cat in the Hat and Fox in Socks for nearly every story time. Soon we were hearing random phrases out of Dr. Seuss books just pulled out of mid-air and quoted verbatim. We recently checked out Horton Hatches and Egg from the library and that is his current favorite, so we have been hearing about Mayzie the lazy bird and all about how she talks Horton into sitting on her nest. If you let him go, Ben can quote nearly the first two pages of the book before he starts skipping to various memorable moments in the book.

Ben is also a big fan of listening to his VeggieTales CD in the van when we go somewhere, so he's got a good share of that memorized also. And not just the songs, but the talking between the songs as well. There is an exchange before one of the songs between some French peas and the Veggie Isrealites who were marching around Jericho to knock the wall down. The French pea says "You just go ahead and keep walking" and then the music plays a three beat intro before they start in with the song. So when Ben is quoting this particular section, not only does he do a fair imitation of a French accent (for a 2 1/2 year old), but after he says "You just go ahead and keep walking," he goes "Bump, bump, bump, Keep walking, cause you won't knock down our wall, keep walking..." I just can't keep from grinning every time he does it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep it up. My two are now 8 and 5 and though I tried to journal I was never ever to do it consistently. I wish now I could have. You and your kids will appreciate it when they get older.

Good luck!