Sunday, September 18, 2005

Expanding Vocabulary

They say that the language explosion for children happens between 18 months and 2 years old. This was pretty much on target for Ben, and I remember being amazed at all the new words he was picking up. That was a stage when you had to be especially careful of what you said, because you might hear it come out of your toddlers mouth the next instant.

Now we are reaching that stage where I'm continually shocked by hearing Ben use words that we don't use very often and aren't really what you might consider part of toddler vocabulary. The other night when we were getting ready for Ben's bath, he was getting his clothes off in the bathroom while I was doing something else to get ready for bed. When I came back in he was diligently working on getting his shirt off and he JUMPED. He looked at me very seriously and said "Daddy, you startled me." It's so exciting to see him growing in so many ways.

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