Friday, September 23, 2005

Mamma's a Wooman

When you explain things to your children it seems that you always wonder how much actually sinks in. Either because of how little attention they seem to paying to your explanation or because you're not sure your explanation was at the appropriate level.

Over the past few months we have been telling Ben about the upcoming birth of his first sibling. We try to explain it pretty thouroughly without overwhelming him and we often wonder how much has gotten through. A couple days ago I was standing behind Ben as he stood on his stool to wash his hands. This means his head is right in my belly. He turns and looks at my belly and says: "Mamma has a baby in her belly because she's a wooman. You don't have a baby in your belly cause you're a guy. I'm a guy too."

Apparently some things sunk in.

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