Friday, November 18, 2005

TV and Imagination

Last Saturday we were watching a medical drama on TV while Ben was napping. It wasn't finished when he got up, but we decided to finish it. At a very intense scene with the patient writhing in pain while the doctor was trying to diagnose him, we looked over and Ben was just entranced. Mindy told him that the man had a really bad tummy ache.

Well, that night at bedtime, Ben got all teary and weird, and said that there was a guy in his bed. Mindy asked him what guy, and he said that it was the guy with the tummy ache. So they prayed about it and she reminded him that "God is bigger than the bogey man" (thank heavens for Veggie Tales)...and it was okay. But he's mentioned it several times since

The other night Ben was asking for special loveys (his "geen bwanket" and his Ernie) and after a short search I found them hidden in the closet.

I said "You put them in the closet silly boy. Why did you do that?"

"To keep the girl from getting them," Ben replied.

"What girl?"

"The girl who was helping the guy," he said very seriously.

"What did she look like?" I asked, wanting to see how detailed this little fantasy world was and confirm if this was more backlash from the TV show.

"A doctor."

It was all very matter of fact and he didn't seem scared or worried. It's quite amazing the effect that scene had on him and how he was actually interacting with the imaginary characters in his play.

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