Saturday, October 29, 2005

Parenting is Hard

Those of you who are parents are saying: "DUH!!!" Maybe even some of you who aren't parents are saying that too, but I am just feeling it especially the last few weeks. It's not just with the addition of an infant to the mix. The toddler stage is so stinking cute and so stinking frustrating all at the same time.

I'm sure that all kids go through this stage to some degree or another. There are so many different philosophies about how to raise your children and the most avid proponents of each philosophy seem to think you're damaging your children if you don't do it their way. Isn't there enough guilt and anxiety in parenting already.

Sometimes it's so hard to not be paralyzed by fear that the next interaction with your child is going to scar them somehow. That someday you'll see them on Oprah, telling the world how their dad is the reason they're in therapy.

OK! OK! I know that last paragraph bordered on the hysterical and was highly exaggerated, but it just helps to put these thoughts down so you can see how silly they really are. I'm not saying parenting isn't difficult. It is. But it's so worth it.

God has given us an awesome responsibility as parents. These helpless little people come into the world totally dependent on us. We just have to do our best to provide for their needs and guide them as they grow. WOW!! Talk about an adventure.

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