Thursday, February 12, 2009

Yes I'm still alive... And loving it!

Well, it's been awhile and I don't really have any legitimate excuse.  But I will say this.  God is Good.  With A Capital G!

Besides letting all two of my readers know that I'm still alive, I wanted to share a little about what's been on my heart lately.

As I mentioned in my last post, we have made a change in our thinking about family planning.  It's been so freeing and so heart-changing for me.

I've always wanted a big family.  Before we got married, I told Mindy I wanted 6 kids.  I had this great dream of being the grandpa and surrounded with children and grandchildren and reveling in the large family reunions, etc.  But as much as I love the cuteness and adorableness of the infant and toddler years, I saw the diaper changing, late night rocking and snotty nose wiping as things I just had to do to pay for the great years later.

I was in hearty agreement with all those folks who rejoiced at being done with diapers, and was counting the years until we'd be diaper free.  The vision of no more naps, no more diapers, kids who could feed and potty themselves was all very enticing.

Then Mindy got us thinking about the quiver-full philosophy that I described in my last post.  And while I expected the challenge and change of heart about how many children our future held, I didn't quite expect the change that I've seen the last few weeks.  

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not the perfect father now, nor was I a horrible father before.  But my attitude has changed about all the things that I may have been ready to be done with before.  I don't love changing diapers yet, but I'm seeing it in a different light.  It's a fun time to giggle and play.  Helping a little boy fall asleep, can be a sweet time of comforting him and maybe snuggling a little, instead of time to get frustrated. 

I'm not sure I'm describing it very well, but the bottom line is this:  Not only are children a blessing from the Lord, they're a blessing from the Lord all the time.  Not just when they're older.  Not just when they're sweet.  Not just when they're asleep, although that can be very blessed ;)

What joys of the present are you overlooking in anticipation of some future joy?


Mindy said...

Fantastic post, honey!

steve and corrine said...

Good post and I like your honesty and insight about how the quiverful commitment is impacting you. As for me and Grandma Isom, we can hardly wait for the full quiver!!! :P