Sunday, October 08, 2006

What Do They Call You?

Ben has started attending a Montessori Pre-School this fall which is very exciting for all of us and leads to some very interesting dinner table conversations.

The teacher in Ben's classroom is known to not call the children by nicknames, at least that was the case when Mindy worked there before Ben was born.

So we decided to ask Ben about it one night at dinner.

"So, Ben. What does Meghan call you at school?"

"She calls me Benjamin," he said.

"What about Rhonda?"

"Sweetie Pie."

I laughed quite heartily at this because I could hear her calling Ben that very clearly in my mind and it was just priceless that Ben had repeated it.

"What does she say when she needs to get your attention," Mindy asked

"Come on."

Mindy and I both just about lost it right there at the dinner table, and Rhonda really enjoyed the story when we shared it with her. It is so fun to be surprised and delighted by seeing your children interact with the world and hearing them tell you there version of.

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